Guerrilla Marketing Your Blog with GMail, Reader And GTalk

Guerrilla Marketing Your Blog

I discovered a wickedly easy way to use Google’s new sharing feature to attract readers… I shouldn’t reveal it all here. But it’s so obvious that I can’t figure out if anybody else thought about it. Here’s what you do:

  • 1. Sign up for a Gmail Account and import your contacts;
  • 2. Activate the Reader feature by clicking on the Reader function at the top of your Gmail account (in the drop down menu);
  • 3. Subscribe to your target blog that you want to advertise;
  • 4. Then just simply click on the share button on the posts from your blog that you want to share when you find them in the Reader Window – you’re looking for a button or icon that looks like this… Click to share; click again to unshare.

    greader share function

  • 5. You can see my ‘shared’ items in the feed that Google Reader provides. Then chat away on GTalk; and if any of the people are using Google Reader, they’ll be able to see your feed here. See my friends’ from Gtalk who have shared publicly in the way I described in step 4.

my friends subscriptions

  • 6. Now you can add even more friends, too. Look in the Manage friends tab, just below the list of friends. Click on that and you can invite even more.

    reader setings

  • 7. You can hide these subscriptions, but Google has, in their infinite wisdom, allowed sharing as a default!

Have you tried this? I know it’s difficult to measure traffic this way, but I do know that I got my blog noticed by some readers who hadn’t dropped by in a LONG time!

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