Do you want to be your own boss? 84% in Taiwan…!

Here’s an interesting story from the local press in Taiwan.

Over 84 percent of office workers polled in Taiwan have great interest in starting their own business, according to the results of a survey released yesterday by an online employment service provider.

Taiwan office workers want to be boss: poll – The China Post

As a part owner in my own business for the last seven years, I’ll say it has been a major challenge in ways that you wouldn’t expect, as well as ways you might realize.

  • It’s a time sink – Holidays and sick days are much fewer if you’re the boss;
  • Managing money is a continual activity;
  • You can never really take your eyes off the ball;
  • There’s no real sense of “I made it”;
  • and You have a lot more control of your day to day affairs!

Would I change it? I don’t think so. If I weren’t running this business full-time, I’d surely have something else up my sleeve (I have usually had several pokers in the fire at one time!). Are the sacrifices worth it? I don’t know. Yet. I hope so.