I just found this story. Finally, it looks like Microsoft is beginning to get the picture about how you can’t sell expensive OSes like Vista Premium to 3rd World or Developing World Countries.
Microsoft Plans $3 Suite for Emerging Markets as Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is launching a global initiative to bring educational technology to the developing world.
It goes onto say what will be included: As part of the new plan, Microsoft will offer a US$3 software package called the Student Innovation Suite, which includes Windows XP Starter Edition, Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007, Microsoft Math 3.0, Learning Essentials 2.0 for Microsoft Office and Windows Live Mail desktop.
BUT, and it’s a big ‘but’, it will only deal with governments and educational institutions. It’s not likely to be available on the street. You can read more about M$’s Unlimited Potential strategy here. Clearly, though, the pressure created by Linux, OLPC and some of the not-for-charity projects that are coming about are indeed putting pressure on M$ to do something. Also, the rampant piracy in some parts of the world is a problem in need of a solution.
Will this be enough? Comments, suggestions, and ideas? How would you tackle the problem?
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