Blogging makes good dosh, but dosh doesn’t make good blogs!

As I outlined here about Payperpost, it is possible to make quite a bit of money doing Payperpost. But as the title suggests, Payperpost needs to be carefully balanced with excellent content, to make the blog attractive to readers. I have made about $492 so far because I have been paid to blog. It has a lot of benefits for bloggers and their readers, too.

Naturally, I have accumulated the money. I didn’t want to spend it on frivolous things. I originally published a journal in paper that cost me about $750 to print. I have been less than successful in selling the printed copies, either in bookshops, or online. In addition, my approaches to agents/distributors hasn’t produced much in the way of anything other mild interest. So I was out about $750.

In addition, the journal faced a funding crisis because its primary sponsor faced a cash shortfall of its own, meaning no further money was available to print issue #2. So suddenly I needed to find a way to make money to cover the costs of the first issue, plus provide a little more cash to cover out of pocket expenses for the second issue.

I’ve been able to raise most of the money from a variety of sources, too. So I’m well covered now, but then my own job faced a slowdown in salary that has affected both my wife and family. I’m now finding that that income produced online is now supplementing my salary.

I must say, I’m enjoying the freedom that having a blog produces, and I’m enjoying the fruits of working for Payperpost. I do realize, though, that while earning money encourages me to blog far more than I used to, I wouldn’t blog if it were ONLY for the money.

Writing is something very personal for me, and this blog, and my other blogs are expressions of my own personal interests. As such, I hope that it is my writing, my ideas and my enthusiasm that readers come back for, again and again.