This series is intended to help WordPress beginners get to grips with some things that are not ‘intuitive’. In other words, it could be called “Things I wish I knew when I started blogging with WordPress in 2004!” (ed. to make more sense).
For the purposes of this series, I’m going to make some assumptions: that you’re using WordPress on your own hosted service, that you just have a plain vanilla setup, and that you’re just starting out with your first bloggings.
This is the blog I’m talking about, though. It is largely plain vanilla, but I’ve made some cosmetic changes. When you get yours, it will look more like the Kubrik theme like this.
So let’s get started. What do you do first?
First, you should log into your account and set your own password properly. This can be achieved quite simply.
Step 1: Locate the login area on the right hand sidebar towards the bottom. Click login.
Step 2: Use the original details you were emailed to log in. Your initial user id is ‘admin’ and your password is a mixture of six numbers/letters.
Step 3: Once logged in, you will see the Dashboard. This is the starting page for your navigation around WordPress. Along the top you will see nine tabs. Today we’re working with ‘Users’ only. So, locate ‘Users’ and click on it.
Step 4: Then you’ll see ‘Authors and Users’ and ‘Your Profile’. Click on ‘Your Profile’.
Step 5: Read the page that shows up and enter as many details as you need.
You will not be able to change the Username for this profile (but we’ll come back later and create additional users for you to do this!). On the bottom right, you can see your ‘Update your password’ area. You’ll need to create a good password and enter it twice. Once typed, hit ‘update profile’ and you’re set. Next time you login you will need to use the new password.
If you’re too busy, why don’t you sign up for my feed via RSS or Email, so you don’t have to keep checking the blog for the next part!
Is there anything you would like to see in this series? Do let me know. I’m aiming at WordPress beginners, but others may find topics later in the series helpful, too.