PR vs PPP: who is winning the war?

I started writing this story just before the recent updates began on August 24th or thereabouts… Some facts have since changed (eg. my PR is now ZERO again!) This is a bit of a ramble because I’m tired. But then this issue has been around for months, and never seems to subside:

PPP vs. PR – Why PPP won’t drop PR any time soon or ever?

“…I did get my own PR back, though only a 2 compared with the three or four I used to have. I’m not exactly sure why I lost my PR in the first place, I think I had partially destroyed my PR in 2006 when I refounded my blog… My other blog is slowly regaining PR too, so even with PPP posts and not kowtowing to Godgle, it’s possible to have a PR. But certainly doing PPP can and usually does lead to PR0 so it’s no wonder that PPP constantly needs a new influx of PR rated blogs.

The thing is: PPP has been promising since LAST summer (2007) to remove PR from the rankings … I think all PPP’s bloggers know now that that isn’t going to happen any time soon. In fact, it is UNLIKELY it will happen IMHO, despite claims otherwise.

The reality is: PPP provides a lot of income while SS is still starting up. So it’s difficult for PPP to cut out one revenue stream while the other isn’t fully developed yet. PPP is slowly encouraging uptake of RR and alternatives to PR but without removing it from the options in the Advertisers section completely, the advertisers will still likely use it as a means to filter blogs.

If you blog because you like blogging, then do what’s best for your blog… accept or refuse PPP posts/links as you think fit. If you just blog for money, then you can keep feeding the demon by starting new blogs and repeating the process. In either case, don’t hold your breath waiting for PPP to remove PR requirements. They won’t do it to suit you, or me. They’ll do it to suit their own needs.”

Google’s Rank Spank: Part Deux

Well, it seems Google is doing that big dance again with its pagerank. Has it really affected me? In some ways, the answer is a resounding ‘yes/no’. Since November 2007, my blog income has become more stable since then, my traffic is up leaps and bounds, and my blog is improving in many ways! While income from companies like Payperpost is definitely on the wane, other sources are picking up to replace them. Hence, this justifies my belief: diversifying your income sources is VERY important both online and offline.

Have I given into Google’s demands on ‘nofollow’ links? Well, truthfully, I’ve been tempted to do so, but only mildly so. I’m too busy running the blog, developing my audience, and so on. I have considered giving in, but it’s just too complicated now to do so. I’d have to backtrack on promises I made to my advertisers, my own pride helps that to stick in my throat. So it’s a road I don’t want to travel.

Yes, I sell links

And yes, I’m still selling links. No, really, I do. I have done for ages, through text link ads, through my own sales, through PayPerPost, through paid posts, etc. I sell them simply and I choose NOT to add the rel=nofollow tag that Google virtually demanded everyone use because their search engine formulae weren’t upto snuff.

In reality, I don’t sell text links for PR. I sell them for traffic, for advertising, for people to check out on this blog and on others. I sell them so that advertisers pay me to cover my server costs, I sell them to earn a little extra money. If I had to rely on Adsense I’d be running ALL my blogs on Geocities instead simply because Adsense clicks have been very poor performers for me, across ALL my sites.

Links vs. Adsense

Also, I BELIEVE selling links is a far better model for most advertising purposes: it’s easier to track, easier to set up, virtually fraud proof, and very reliable. Using Google’s alternative method is (AdSense) is fraught with issues, including fraudulent clicks, banned accounts, optimizing the positions, quality scores, … the list goes on and on. Many bloggers have been burned by AdSense for fraudulent clicks or impressions, and many bloggers have lost all the monies in their account. For advertisers, click fraud is equally a huge problem: I’m not allowed to divulge how many clicks I don’t get credited for as an Adsense advertiser, but the number is significant. AdSense also takes up space, and typically when users don’t click, the website DOESN’T get much or any credit.

For Advertisers, clicks make sense

I also sell links for advertisers to garner traffic, and I believe selling text links is a lot less hassle than AdWords for advertisers. Why? Simply, you buy them once, and you forget about them until the subscription expires or renews. Users can click on them as many times as you like, you won’t experience click fraud. Really, text links are a much simpler form of advertising, and quite effective. You don’t have to play with your keywords, positioning, or watch your budget eaten up. Prices also don’t vary that much in a short time, on AdWords the prices of keywords seems to vary as the wind.

So, with a PR0, am I going to kowtow to Google this time? Unlikely, i think there will be a time when Google search engine is implicitly able to determine which links are paid and which are not, without any nofollow. I see little or no reason to change, esp. as Google sells links that transfer pagerank. Worse, if everyone nofollowed every link on their blog, as some bloggers and sites have done, it will make pagerank virtually useless. So, I’m not changing my ways; Google, if it wants to remain relevant simply has to figure out this issue for themselves.

Is Alexa a REALRANK? Well, it tracks traffic but…

With the PR Nuke Out still on, Izea finally launched this week, and I’ve already got my stats working . In fact, I’m lucky as I have stats running back to late November last year! So I get quite a head start… Still, a lot of questions remain unanswered…. I’m hoping this series of post will help to answer some of them.

So what is Izea? What is its intended purpose and how well does it implement the ideas? In this series of posts, published daily, I’ll be looking at Alexa, PageRank, Technorati, and Izea’s RealRank.

Let’s take a look.

What is IzeaRanks? What is it trying to solve?

There are a variety of sources available on the internet that aim to measure traffic; however, most of the sources that provide such information are for the private consumption of stats by webmasters and site owners.

There aren’t so many external and independent sources of information, and not many reliable ways to rank one site vs. another. The few that I know of are well known to many: Alexa, PageRank, Technorati, and Compete. It’s into this marketplace that Izea’s RealRank has come .

Alexa: Very partial, somewhat unreliable

Alexa:Alexa is one of the more popular metrics used by advertisers to measure traffic to a website, pageviews within that site, and ‘reach of the website’. You can take a look at my current stats by clicking on the image below:

alexa stats for january

These stats are for the current month of January, 2008. The limitations of such stats for advertisers are obvious as they disproportionately measure traffic from a particular group or groups of users that may or may not be representative. The theory goes as your site becomes more popular the stats will more closely approximate what is going on… which is great if you are Yahoo! or Google.

For most bloggers, these stats tell a woefully incomplete story, especially about where readers come from, what they look at in particular, who the visitors are, etc., though some comparison is helpful. Of course, I would still recommend that you add this code to your website: the more information for advertisers the better. In fact you can see the box on my sidebar. And I won’t be moving it any time soon. If you want to install it, read more here.

alexa stats in your blog

Despite my recommendation, I’m under illusions that, since the stats are drawn from a relatively small userbase of toolbar users and java code (which you can add to your site), the metrics are highly suspect. Case in point: I’ve got a ranking similar to about six-eight months ago with traffic that is more than double what I was getting. My traffic has jumped since May, and my Alexa ranking is relatively weaker.

The upside for Alexa (and it still is the leader in this respect as an external source of information), though, unlike the following two suggestions is that they attempt to measure traffic on a regular basis to websites, not just blogs, and they attempt to provide a long term measure of such traffic.

Post two in the series will look at PageRank, look for that on Monday…


First I should say that I’ve been a blogger with Payperpost for quite some time, and as such I’ve been working with them to provide interesting content for advertisers. Izea is a company that proposes to build upon the foundations that Payperpost has established.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Rosemary’s Thoughts, 123beta, Right Truth, Adam’s Blog, Shadowscope, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Adeline and Hazel, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie is Wired, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Stix, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, Global American Discourse, The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

RealRank: a ‘real’ alternative to PageRank?

Many of the Payperpost bloggers are now shouting about their REALRankings that went live today. In fact, I was quite pleased to get my ranking at 877 (less is better)… I’ve enclosed the edited graphic to show what it looks like in my screen.


As you can see, Payperpost is now using four or five different metrics to evaluate bloggers and their bloggings. It’s quite a challenging system to navigate. Without blowing my own trumpet (toot! toot!), the only fly in my blogging ointment is the new PR ranking that I have. It seems that for the time being Payperpost have ‘frozen’ Google rankings, before the PPP networks were zeroed last week.

I would imagine that in future developments, Google’s proprietary rank will just be skipped in favor of their own metric.

So what is RealRank?

It is a metric derived from three sources in varying proportions: 70% – unique visitors, 20% – linkings, and 10% – page views. Perhaps it is the ability to track how many unique visitors the website gets every day that should make this a much accurate measure than either Alexa or Compete.

Then the totals are ranked from highest performing to lowest performing, with each blog from the highest performing blog gaining a score in increments of 1. So the top site in 1,000 will be #1, but the bottom will be #1000.

The total number of sites will be divided into ten market ‘segments’ with the top ranking of 1 being the top ten percent of sites. This should help advertisers to target higher traffic blogs. It seems that InvestorBlogger is doing quite well as it is currently placed in the top 10% of blogs… but we won’t see accurate placement for quite a while, as the number of sites indexed is currently quite small.

The other odd thing about RealRank is that it will be updated daily at 2am, so sites are likely to see rapid swings if individual posts attract a lot of hits from Digg or StumbeUpon or elsewhere in the Social Media World. In other words, it’s dynamic, unlike Google’s PR which changes irregularly.

How will it develop?

Right now, the only websites and blogs that are included in the system are the 80,000 blogs that are listed in Payperpost’s system. Moreover, there is no external system for viewing stats except for those who are involved with Payperpost. But this will soon change as opens up early next year.

In fact, for advertisers, bloggers and so on, the new system will involve considerable similarities with Alexa, PageRank, MyBlogLog, and a lot of other social media websites COMBINED. This will be quite a development. But it will take time to work out the kinks, open the system to outsiders, and fully build out all the features that are being discussed. Here’s hoping… 😀