The origins of the stock market… from the Maritime Empires to Government regulation

The origins of the stock market starts in 1606, when the first stock was issued. Trading began in the maritime empires of the Netherlands and Portugal. Those are the empires which revolved around sea travel and trade. From there the idea moved to Spain, England, and finally America, with the English colonists.

Raising Money For The War

So, anyways, back to the stock market here, in the US

In the beginning of the origins of the stock market, the practice of stock trading primarily involved the shipping and spice markets. considering that they started out in the maritime empires. The government of the time decided to sell bonds to rise money for the war.

Those are government notes that were promised to pay out some profit at a later date whenever they decided to cash them in. Then, right around that same time, private banks began issuing stocks to raise money. The whole creation was and is really ingenious.

Obviously, in time businesses decided it would be a good idea to raise money by selling stocks. This started in the mid 1800s. At first they weren’t regulated though, as they are today. Today, as you may know, companies have to be completely open to the public about their finances due to the Securities And Exchange Act which I will go into further detail in just a second.

Promoting the Stock Market in The New World

Who is Alexander Hamilton? Well, he was the first US Secretary Of The Treasury. But, relating to the current topic he is a mojor part of the origins of the stock market. Proudly he promoted the idea of bringing a stock exchange to America. He did this during his term, which lasted from 1789 to 1795. He studied how the British implemented the idea of a stock market and thought it would great for building a strong economy in America. If you ever take a trip to New York City, be sure to check out his statue, which is proudly held in the financial district.

New York Stock Exchange Board to… The New York Stock Exchange

The origins of the stock market also include the rich traders in New York City, who established the New York Stock and Exchange Board in 1817. That became the New York Stock Exchange in 1972 when 24 large merchants got together and decided it would be a great idea for the country. They also came up with the basic rules of trading, most evidently the fact that they would get together daily.

Eventually, the NYSE moved inside to 40 wall street. Then, in 1996 it was remodeled and become the 71-story building today known as The Trump Building.

The New York Stock Exchange is highly regarded among stock traders compared to the other markets due to the fact that they only include large, established companies. For smaller companies, they have to resort to…

The New York Curb Exchange to… The American Stock Exchange

As I’m sure sure you know, the NYSE is not the only stock exchange. There is also the American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ, and many more.

The origins of the stock market state that government securities were traded outside on the corners of Wall Street and Broad Street in New York City. This was before the inside markets here in America were formed. I glossed over the NYSE. But, along with them, another exchange that came into play in 1842. They were called the New York Curb Exchange. As you may have guessed, they became the American Stock Exchange, or the AMEX.

In time… government regulationgavel
The origins of the stock market do not include government regulation when first starting out in it’s history. We take for granted that companies traded on the stock markets must be completely transparent when it comes to their books. I believe this is a good thing. It opens up companies for traders to make informed decisions. But, like the first generation of most things, the stock market was not regulated by the government.

During the industrial revolution, in 1900, the idea of one investor selling their shares to another investor for a profit came into play. This is what we know today as our commonplace stockmarket. Thus, the secondary market was formed, which is also known as The Speculators’ Market. And the market became more volatile because price became determined by supply and demand.

In 1929, the great stock market crash hit New York City hit New York City, and America. Obviously you probably weren’t alive then. But, we are going through the same thing now. It took fifteen years for the economy to fully recover. But only five for the government to step in.

In case you don’t feel like doing the math, that was 1934. The Securities And Exchange Act was passed by congress that year.

They formed the securities and exchange commission. They were created to regulate stock trading as well as police the daily market exchanges. And, they do that to this day.

The organization also includes overseeing the requirements for a company to issue stock shares to the public and ensures that the company offers relevant information to potential investors.

Over the years, the stock market went from a game of the rich to something being taught in school to 8th graders. If it were up to me, all kids would learn about the origins of the stock market at an early age.

Working hard? Take a break or just a change of office space!

The InvestorBlogger would love a change of pace, and a change of space! And if he didn’t have his own place of business, the life of an itinerant blogger might be just thing. Just imagine the places he could go… perhaps even taking a Caribbean cruise on the Queen Mary 2.


Of course, the trick with a cruise has to be that you don’t get stuck on board the ship for too long. You need a chance to hop off and on, so an island cruise is perhaps best for this: you get the chance to visit different places, and can return to your own luxury hotel on the ocean.

Oh, and indeed it is a luxury: copious amounts of space (for a ship), hotel-standard suites and rooms (no hammocks here!), lots of recreational activities, restaurants, movies, exercise, and so on.

800px-Roadtown, Tortola

This may not be cheap, but you’ll likely fine a cruise to suit your own pocket as Holiday Hypermarket offers a variety of cruises, ships, room and flights, and so on. Just make sure your room has a data socket for access to the Internet! Then you’ll be able to make all your readers envious of your life style!

So, on a cruise, here’s my itinerary (with suggested activities for bloggers) for those sailing from New York:

Day -3 You fly to New York , check into your hotel. Blog about your flight!

Day -2 You tour New York , do all the touristy things… and check out the places where InvestorBloggers dream about: the NYSE, Wall Street, and the other financial attractions! You take photos of these great places and write them up in your blog! Try to ‘bump’ into some of the people who work there, and interview one or two them for a podcast!

Day -1 It’s SHOPPING ! You get stuff for the Caribbean trip and learn how to spell it properly for your blog postings! Clue: it’s NOT Carribean as I thought!

Day 0 You get to the ship and embark, taking as many pictures, videos and recordings as you can! The Queen Mary 2 is a fantastic ship… You can simply put the best ones on your blog, add video to YouTube, and post the stuff. You won’t need to write much. The ship departs at 7:00 pm. It’s probably getting dark, get ready from some wonderful scenic shots of the city.

Days 1-2 You are on the ocean , relaxing and making good use of all the recreational activities. Of course, you manage to do some real postings!… Remind people that your blog isn’t ALL play, and NO work!

Day 3 Your arrival in the British Virgin Islands where you will come across your first Caribbean experiences of the sands, seas and atmosphere! Tortola welcomes you! At night, you post pictures and share how you achieved your dream vacation!

Day 4 lands you on St. Kitts where you’ll see the colonial old town, fortress and markets! Perhaps a little light blogging and email before bedtime!

Day 5 is on to Bridgetown, Barbados . In Barbados, you get time to stay overnight and enjoy the real Caribbean lifestyle. Perhaps it’s time for some lively blogging and photos about how the other half really live! Show your readers, too. They’ll believe you are the other half!

Day 6 will show you how the local people on St. Lucia run their markets as you shop for antiques, souvenirs, and whatever else takes your fancy! Markets are a wonderful place to shop, and you require your wits… it’s so different to the sterile stores of North America! You can blog about how the locals trade and do business! Sprinkle the post liberally with shots of the markets, people and products.

Day 7 In St. Thomas , you’ll be able to experience quaint streets lined by duty-free boutiques. What are those taxes for after all? Blog about how taxes are used to rob the rich, pay for services, or redistribute wealth! Whatever angle takes your fancy! But do make your readers envious as you purchase perfumes, wines and all manner of goods duty free!

Days 8-9 see you on the high seas , but you ain’t no pirate! Still time for a little swashbuckling on your blog! You’ve got time to reflect on your time as you begin the trip home.

Day 10 it’s back to New York . Time to attend to some banking, investing, bookstores, good restaurants, and theater. Then off home. No time to blog much except at the airport, as you wait for your flight back to Taiwan.

So, there you go, the flights, the cruise, the itinerary and a blogging schedule… What else do you need? Why are you still reading this? Go, now, go…

Thanks for lettting me cruise the blogosphere with you from