How to lose customers:

Pandora’s service is without comparison: it allows you to find musical styles and within that research wonderful new artists that you wouldn’t otherwise find. This is what the website says about itself:

Pandora is a music discovery service designed to help you enjoy music you already know, and to help you discover new music you’ll love. It’s powered by the most comprehensive analysis of music ever undertaken, the Music Genome Project: a crazy project started back in early 2000 to capture the complex musical DNA of songs using a large team of highly-trained musicians.

Unfortunately, citing the DMCA, they have pulled almost the entire service for those outside the geographic USA. Recently, their chairman wrote:

Dear Pandora Visitor,

We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for most listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.

We believe that you are in Taiwan (your IP address appears to be ***.***.***.***). If you believe we have made a mistake, we apologize and ask that you please contact us at

If you are a paid subscriber, please contact us at and we will issue a pro-rated refund to the credit card you used to sign up. If you have been using Pandora, we will keep a record of your existing stations and bookmarked artists and songs, so that when we are able to launch in your country, they will be waiting for you.

We will be notifying listeners as licensing agreements are established in individual countries. If you would like to be notified by email when Pandora is available in your country, please enter your email address below. The pace of global licensing is hard to predict, but we have the ultimate goal of being able to offer our service everywhere.

We share your disappointment and greatly appreciate your understanding.


Tim Westergen

This is an open letter to Tim Westergen,

Dear Tim Westergen,

You may share my disappointment, indeed. Unfortunately, turning away millions of customers in this fashion shows an incredible failure of both leadership and vision. When you turn away customers in this fashion, you unleashed a number of problems the consequences of which may very well come back to haunt both your company, and the US entertainment industry (which currently seems bent on extracting every possible ounce of flesh without understanding the long term consequences of such actions!) in general.

I think this decision, while understandable, is perhaps one of the most short sighted decisions I’ve ever seen, and is typical of companies in the US who resort to dealing with a technologically changing environment by employing lawyers whose sole function is to cover their own asses. I think this decision is bad for your (former) customers, your own company, and bodes ill for the US economy; and here’s why.

First, I realize as a small company that you have little choice; however, you have no idea of the goodwill that you are giving up now, that will be VERY hard to recoup or replicate, and that (when you do decide to reenter international markets) it will be MUCH harder because each of the markets you intend to enter will have developed indigenous competition that will give your company a run for its money or simply roll right over your company. Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and China all have hungry technology companies that would LOVE to have one less competitor to worry about today, so that tomorrow they won’t have to fight so hard once their market is established.

Secondly, it is clear to me and many billions outside the US who would like to download music legally, pay for it, and listen to music that isn’t otherwise available in their countries, are being denied choices by corporation lawyers who fail to find imaginative ways to solve the problems created by poorly framed laws. In many cases, many such individuals will resort to the P2P networks that have been the bane of IP laws everywhere. It’s only when companies realize that failing to serve such a market is WORSE for their profits and their business models that these customers will start to be treated well by companies such as yours.

Thirdly, the legal framework of the US is now such that more companies are now choosing to list their stocks in Europe (in London or one of the other large European bourses – they are shopping for legal frameworks that they find conducive to doing business, to making money, and to serving their customers. How long will it be before companies start shopping for countries with more favorable regimes for IP laws. With increasingly restrictive IP policies in the US, how long will it be before even US companies feel so constrained by the legislation that they have to move offshore.

Fourthy, has so much goodwill in its international customer base that I cannot believe you wish to throw it all away. Haven’t you any idea how much it will cost to buy such customers in the future? You have what many companies can’t buy, no matter how much money they throw at the problem, customer trust. If you turn your back on your international customers now, you will likely never get them back.

It’s one thing to say upfront who your customers are and aren’t. It’s another to turn your back on them, once they are your customers. I don’t believe that will recover internationally from this decision; I believe that internationally is now dead as a dodo. Other competitors in Europe (nearly 810 million potential listeners!), Asia (over 3.7 billion potential listeners), South America (371 million potential listeners), etc, will step in, they may not fill exactly the same void, but fill it they will.

Doubt me at your peril: in Taiwan, Kimo set up a long time ago, was recently purchased by Yahoo! and had built up an unassailable lead in online auctions over that time, such that when Ebay finally decided to enter the local market directly, they couldn’t shift the leader, no matter what they did. In fact, last year they bowed out gracelessly of this market and several others in Asia. They couldn’t buy an audience with their advertising budgets; the local market already loved Yahoo! Kimo auctions, even though Ebay had a better service, it was too late.

In effect, is giving up its real and tangible international business in exchange for the chance to create lots of national businesses as they license country by country. Internationally, could garner millions of listeners as a userbase to sell CDs to, make money from an affiliate relationship with (etc.), but as a series of national markets, some or many of these countries just wouldn’t have the population mass to justify the effort. In those others that are big enough, competition will prevent Pandora success, because Pandora will lose its lead.

So, thanks Tim, thanks for Pandora and all its wonders. It was a great service, but now the lawyers are running the company; I’ll be tuning to one of the other 10000 online radio stations. Thank god the internet is available outside the continental US, otherwise the RIAA would try to close that down, too.

Yours sincerely,


The license for this posting is granted to all but the lawyers employed by (or hired by for advising them) to read, print, copy and redistribute as you wish in its entirety. However, any lawyer or any RIAA lawyer who subsequently reads, receives or prints out any copy of this email, either in part or in whole, shall be liable to pay the sum of $10,000 to within 30 days because of their spinelessness in allowing this decision to be made.

Tri-Cities Real Estate: buying and selling great houses


In early April, Colleen Lane contacted me and asked to me to review the Tri-Cities Real Estate website, which you can see at the top of the blog, and in the sidebar.

After visiting such a beautifully crafted website, rich in visual media, careful coloring, and pleasing welcome page, I have to say that this website is perhaps the most visually attractive website that I’ve had to review, and I believe it surely reflects the natural beauty of its home state.

Tri-Cities Real Estate, based in Washington State (one of the loveliest states with its low population density, extensive reservations and wonderful scenery), provides Real Estate services in Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland.

I like the URL which is simple and easy to remember. The only problem with the URL is it doesn’t tell you what the website is… but then you likely already know when you visit it. Theirblog is updated regularly, but uses a different theme, so it looks out of character with the rest of the website.


One of the reasons a book like “Rich Dad Poor Dad” has succeeded is by personalizing the story, by creating characters, and events, and narrating the story. People are drawn to a story, rather than to cold, dry facts, lists and explanations; it would be nice if this website could play up this angle of the ‘story’ and show us how Tri-Cities Real Estate really does make a difference in the life of its customers! That would help to show their customers how they actually solve problems.

As a resource, the website is literally stuffed with articles on ALL aspects of moving house, including fixer-uppers, real estate lawyers, and even Debt Ratios. You could spend quite some time just reading around the articles. In fact, all the content is unique as well, and there are some interesting things to play with such as the Google Locator Map, and the search function which had me searching for a lot of nice houses in my (ideal) price range. So joelaneColleen, do you have any good property for a British expat with not much cash?! Well, I found that there are quite a few bungalows (single floor houses), which would appeal to my wife. Why don’t you head on over and check out the fine houses of Washington State. I was also surprised to find that Kennewick’s sister city is YingKo, Taiwan. It’s like a stone’s throw from my wife’s home, and is the home of pottery in Taiwan.

So search away on their website, you can search and register for looking at properties on their website easily and quickly using their search engine. The images, information and website are all responsive and tidy, making it easy to thumb through many properties in your price range. Since their servers are quick, you’ll find it a pleasure, not a drag.

So if you are thinking of Washington State as a place to move to, check out the real estate first, courtesy of Long Term Capital Growth !

Sponsored by Tri-Cities Real Estate.

Name Your Price: Webhosting for those without deep pockets

Well, I never heard of a ‘Name Your Price’ Web hosting. So I decided to try it out and see what the buzz was about. I went to their webpage where they had a “Name Your Price” form, filled it out and sent it off. I decided to go for a quotation rather than offer them something, and see if they would take it. Still waiting for the email. Will add their quotation below.

Allowing your customers to decide how many services you needed for yourself, instead of letting a company decide, and offer different packages based on what they think the ‘average’ customer might need and how affordable it might be, is a neat idea!

Customers are in fact all different and require quite different elements to compose their website. I only have niggle: what if a customer’s needs change, eg. they suddenly need MySQL as they have now got a blog. Will that function be available?

Sponsored by Unified Hosting.