Find and Manage a Profitable Rental Property to Fund Your Future

If you’re living comfortably and are looking to invest, you’ve probably researched all the best investment opportunities and stumbled across rentals. As long as you choose the right property and offer it for the right rental price, your investment in profitable rental property should pay for itself in no time.

profitable rental property

Lady looking at profitable rental property figures on her tablet

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

According to Statista, more than 40 percent of non-homeowners don’t have the necessary funds to purchase a home. That means they’ll continue looking for fairly priced rental properties until they can build up savings. With this amount of demand in rental market, there are steps you can take toward finding and creating a profitable property investment for yourself.

Commit to Being Hands-On or Finding Help

Becoming a landlord isn’t passive income, so you have to either make yourself available 24/7 or hire a property management company. This is important to decide from the get-go since the cost of hiring a management company is going to eat into your potential profits; on the other hand, having to take care of repairs yourself can be extremely difficult on your finances, and there are specific actions you can and can’t take as a landlord. Think carefully about whether you have the time and resources to rent out a property yourself or if having help will be the better choice in the long run.

You must manage your property effectively for your investment to pay off. If renters don’t receive the attention they need within the time allotted to you under local and state Landlord-Tenant laws, you could lose a lot of money and even be taken to court. Before anyone becomes a tenant on your property, both sides will sign a lease, agreeing to any agreed-upon responsibilities within the lease.

Find a Property That Fits Your Budget

The first step is to secure a preapproval from a lender or even a prequalification. Since you’ve already decided to invest in a property, you should have an idea of a mortgage payment that will work for you; however, it’s ultimately up to your lender, who is funding the loan.

Investment properties are riskier for lenders to fund, and you have to be prepared for a stricter process. If you own your own home and are attempting to fund a mortgage on an investment property, lenders often require that you provide proof of enough cash reserves for up to six mortgage payments for each property, according to MoneyUnder30.

Start Shopping for Neighborhoods

First, search for homes in areas full of amenities to draw renters in, and focus on properties that are in decent shape. You don’t want to go through the trouble of securing funding on a property that you’ll have to do serious renovations on before renting it out.

If your property is in a safe neighborhood with a good school district, public transportation, and everything a renter could need, you’ll be able to charge top dollar. Plus, a property in this type of neighborhood has a good chance of appreciating over time.

Every neighborhood draws a different type of renter, so make sure you learn about the surroundings to enhance your odds of bringing in the right person. Review average rents in the neighborhood and calculate how much your monthly rent will be. Bringing in the wrong tenant can be a costly mistake, so be sure to screen potential renters carefully.

Profitable Rental Property: a solid income source

If you can handle the ups and downs of investment properties, a rental could be a solid source of income for you in the long run. As long as the numbers make sense—don’t forget property taxes!—a rental can maximize potential earnings. This way, you can reap the rewards of smart investing for years to come.

YouTube Branding Intro – 5 Ways to Use YouTube to Expand Your Brand

Whether you are new to the market or have an established brand, it's good to be active in as many social media channels as possible to reach a wider audience. YouTube is truly a powerful social media channel that your business can leverage to increase sales and expand your following. Here are five serious advantages to using YouTube as a marketing tool. This is your YouTube Branding Intro!

YouTube Branding Intro: making a video for your users

Image via Flickr by Scott Meis Photography.

1. Any business benefits from YouTube branding, including yours

Video marketing can be embraced by any business, from global conglomerates to independent freelancers. This ease of accessibility opens up new channels and audiences for you to target. It's free to upload a video (in exchange for ads being played before or during your video) which makes it a cost-effective strategy with huge potential for revenue. With video identified as the most engaging channel, it's an effective way to increase brand awareness.

2. Massive user base eager for relevant content

If ever you were unsure about YouTube as a marketing channel, here's some stats to put it into perspective — 180 million people watch YouTube in the US and the average amount of YouTube video content watched daily is 1 billion hours. It's clear that YouTube has a huge user base. The aim isn't to reach everyone; instead, create relevant and engaging videos aimed at the active audience in your target market.

3. Build your engaged community of followers

For businesses who already have an established following on other social sites, YouTube is a great channel for sharing engaging content in a different format with your followers. It's ideal for things like event footage, store openings, and behind-the-scenes action. You can continue to grow your community of followers by interacting with them. So respond to comments on your videos and make the effort to follow other people's channels too. Offering meaningful comments on their videos (especially those that don't yet follow you) will put your brand in a positive light and encourage them to visit your site.

4. Identify and reach out to your customers

Rather than using YouTube as a platform to hard-sell, use it to provide information-carrying or entertaining content. Driving people to your site should be a secondary goal, especially in the beginning. Build your customer base first and use video marketing to gain their trust. People will soon see the value in your brand prompting them to visit your site and make a purchase.

5. Find the right marketing deals for your audience

This will lead to marketing deals, which happened to Jenna Citrus—an artist and model who used YouTube to successfully build her brand. She became an influencer through product testing items on her YouTube channel. Initially, she bought these products herself, like men's razors to treate her shaver burn. Through reviewing these and other everyday items, she was soon approached by marketers offering their products to review. She now regularly collaborates with brands and a lot of this success is down to her engaging and authentic video marketing.

Utilizing YouTube marketing is an effective way to showcase your business. By sharing engaging content, you can show people a different side to your brand, build trust with your subscribers, and grow your follower base. Please feel free to come back and share your responses to the YouTube Branding Intro guide we created here. I hope it's useful!

More about YouTube Branding

10 Tips to Maximize Your Branding on YouTube: Advanced Lesson with Videos

by Kenneth J. Dickson

YouTube is the 2nd biggest social network on the planet with 2.0 billion active users every month. They spend an average of 40 minutes each visit, while 70% of them are using their mobile phone. The core demographic for YouTube is young, savvy and sophisticated, so expand your branding on YouTube in ways that resonate with their community.

Expand your branding on YouTube

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

#1 Make videos with the best technical quality

It’s hard to convey your message if your video is choppy or shaky. Perhaps the sound is broken up by technical issues or background noise. Do test videos to determine what problems occur. Then remedy these before you launch formally.

#2 Create a variety of good quality YouTube content

Everyone can set up their own YouTube channel with a phone and a backdrop. Aim higher! Plan your shows in advance, keep the content focused on your products, branding and audience. Trim unnecessary or irrelevant shots during editing, so the video is tight and compelling.

#3 Engage with your viewers

Since so many people watch YouTube on their phones, it’s a very personal and direct way to reach people. Make use of YouTube’s comments by asking for comments, questions, and feedback on your videos. Then incorporate what you learn in your videos and reference your viewers directly.

#4 Get your viewers to subscribe to your channel

Your channel has a large red “Subscribe” button on all platforms. Ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel so they get notified of the latest videos you make. A call to action demonstrates an action that viewers take to support your brand.

#5 Add content to your channel regularly

Whether you update daily or monthly, it doesn’t matter. Get into the swing of uploading new content regularly. Your brand will be rewarded by viewers as they begin to look forward to your next clip. Build that mind share!

#6 Brand your channel and videos with your watermark or logos

It’s easy to overlook the importance of watermarks in videos. Design a tasteful watermark that represents the values of your brand. Place it inside your video at the beginning and end. Include it elsewhere in your video so that viewers associate with your brand.

#7 Create thumbnails for branding on YouTube

After you have created several videos, you will notice that YouTube shows thumbnails of your videos. So develop a standard look that shouts your branding to viewers. You are teaching your viewers to recognize your branding.

#8 YouTube is a community

YouTube is a unique community. Your branding draws on that community to build your own community of viewers that follow your brand. Treat YouTube as a valuable part of your branding efforts, unique to itself. Your viewers will respond to your values.

#9 Test and tweak your YouTube videos

Determine what features on your channel you want to test. Typical ideas include adding advertising, ad placement, links, order of items in the video, etc. Then do simple A/B split testing to see which performs better. Results will inform you clearly of what you need to change.

#10 Add value to your channel

Keep adding value to your channel as well as your videos. Free downloads, cheat sheets, bonus videos, transcripts, and interviews all provide your viewers with solid reasons to keep coming back to your brand.

So YouTube allows entrepreneurs to connect with a large and diverse community on its platform. Use it well to develop effective branding on YouTube for your products. Your brand followers are waiting! Check out these videos on YouTube!