Making Money: EntreCards Launches Ad Network

I’ve been running a small EC promotion for the past few months, and I’ve had over 20 signups for my mailing list! Thanks, guys! Of course, I’m still running the promotion so there’s still time to make a little extra EC before you are able to sell them starting next week! Sign up now!

Oh, and the feed’s borked at Google for some reason. I don’t quite know why but the stats aren’t working properly at all. Perhaps it was to do with the new theme that I put up last month. The theme had some options for setting feed, and so I used that instead of the FeedBurner plugin. Turns out it may have been a bad decision! I have only 1/5 of the regular number of readers being reported. And Google hasn’t really fixed things since January. TechCrunch has written about this issue, too. What is going on?

However, this shouldn’t affect the competition at all. And even better news about EntreCard.

ec ad network

The EntreCard Advertising Network that was announced last week is finally here. Check the blog to read the announcement:

Our much anticipated Ad Network is now online and fully operational! As a blogger, from your dashboard, you can toggle your “advert settings” for control over what ads can even apply to advertise on your blog, and each paid ad that wants to advertise on your blog will show up in a new column on your dashboard labeled “paid ads” just under the normal blog ads. From here, you can reject any paid ad you like, freely and quickly. Revenue generated from these paid ads will go to fund our future operations, feature development, more servers, and all that good stuff, as well as a war chest to cash out all your credits with (or all the credits of those who wish to cash them out!). So please approve paid ads proudly knowing you’re supporting Entrecard and the only true virtual economy in the blogosphere!

And rates are good for advertising at the moment! I’m tempted to run ads just to test the results. Pricing will adjust as time goes forward to reflect market rates. Promotional rates are just for the initial period. But will CTR be worth it? Would it be more cost effective than just buying credits and advertising on the regular network? At least with the regular network, you can get a day long ad! Could it be that the ad network’s greatest competitor will be their own EC system?

For bloggers, there will be the option to trade EC for cash by selling your EC back to EntreCard for cash. That system is still in the works at the moment! No wonder EC outlawed EC farms earlier this year! It would have ruined the whole economy. Of course, for your site, as blogger or advertiser, you still have to decide if the real estate you give to EC is worth the visits/traffic or time on site. My first experience wasn’t so positive for InvestorBlogger but this second effort may be better. Let’s see.