HTC: Are they ‘Shift’ing the future?

I was browsing several forums recently when I came across news of this interesting UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC)… it’s a format for sub-sub-notebooks that is catching people’s attention.


The model featured here is the HTC (yes, remember the iPhone lookalike…) and it is suprisingly versatile.

You can read a full review of the HTC Shift including video of 30 minutes. More can also be found at Gizmodo and HTC, of course.

The specs are as follows:

1. Windows Vista Business with an Intel Santa Rosa Processor, 1GB DDR2 RAM and 40GB HDD.

2. And it’s a Windows Pocket PC with a Qualcomm 400MHz Processor and 64MB RAM

Is that two OSes? … Watch the video and find out! I already know I want one!