Well, it is time to kick start things on one of my new blogs, at least! I’ve been working on building some supplemental sites on my blogging network. And the first fruits are already ripening on the branches.
EeeBlogger Dot Com
EeeBlogger is a site that breaks with BloggingTravails but will aim to produce one and ONLY one in depth article on blogging and my own personal experiences in this effort to make money online.
The archives for Blogging Travails will be copied to the new location, but will remain as part of the Blog for InvestorBlogger, too. You can read the introductory article as it looks at PayPerPost and Adsense and considers in future posts what the most profitable sources of income have been. The second post compares PayPerPost and ReviewME and makes its own recommendations.
Dollar Traveler Dot Com
DollarTraveler will be the second ‘new’ blog and will give me an excuse to come clean about my personal finances, in a way that InvestorBlogger will not.
Too many people already know who I am as InvestorBlogger, but DT will allow me the space to explain what my budgeting, what my expenses and investments are in an environment that is ‘more’ anonymous. For personal finance blogging, a degree of anonymity is required, and InvestorBlogger just does not have that. Naturally, you wil have to find that blog by yourself! But I’ll give you a big clue… Google “Dollar Traveler”, and you may just find it!
And, InvestorBlogger Dot Com?
So what is the future role for InvestorBlogger? At this point in time, I’m aiming to begin the transformation to a much more focused Investment Blog with more in-depth research, personal articles and information about investing as a blogger. I’ve already published a list of articles that pick up on these themes, but I will be adding much more to the archives and so on. I’m hoping that this transformation can take place gradually over a few weeks, but it will mean a less than lively posting schedule over the holiday period. It is unclear to me what will happen to the archives but I’m now considering several possibilities: axing the entire archive, reorganizing the archive or simply just archiving the entire backlog of posts and beginning afresh.
What would you do? I’d appreciate knowing your thoughts…