Vote for your top money making feeds! Vote NOW

Yesterday, I published perhaps my first download in recent years. It was an OPML file of my favorite twelve feeds about making money online. It’s been causing something of a stir on one of my favorite message boards.

In fact, you can still download the file here, and if you need more information, just click on the full post….

One kind poster suggested 19 more additions to the list, which you can find on the message board linked above. I’ve already removed the duplicate entries, and selected five more prominent blogs to be added to the OPML file.

To Vote


You can see the poll on the right-hand side of the blog, and there are ten or eleven entries. You can also add more entries as you wish. I’ll be adding the top three slots if they have a high enough number of votes. So, vote away for your favorite money-making blog feeds. And check back in a week’s time for the updated download! Then I’ll be updating the OPML file download, once the poll closes in 7 days.


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