Recent Posts on InvestorBlogger Dot Com

With the recent changes on InvestorBlogger, I’ll be providing a regular weekly summary of posts on each of the blogs, so you don’t miss out! Of course, you could just subscribe to the Site Feed. It will update you with ALL the new posts, blogs and information on InvestorBlogger!

Google AdWords: Does it make Ad Sense?

One of the new things I’m trying is bringing traffic from AdWords. I finally signed up for a Google AdWords account; had my cards accepted and am now running ads for one of my pages. it’s pretty easy to set up, I was surprised. I’ve set up five different […]

Switching to a New Platform: WordPress MU

As some of you have been following the blog, InvestorBlogger is in the throes of becoming a multi-blog. This is a great thing for InvestorBlogger because I’ve always found that the blog had a fuzzy focus on topics: covering a wide range of topics from Taiwan to Making Money to Blogging Issues and much more.
I’d […]

Dollar Travels: PF Blog Update #1

August 8th, I’ve been working on setting up the first blog on Personal Finance, I’m now going through the archives of InvestorBlogger to extract all the articles on Personal Finance in the past few months, as I’d like to launch (or relaunch) PF Blog with a much sharper focus on expenses and income and dealing […]

Where to go

This blog is still very much in the startup stage. For current readers, please go to the archives for all of the posts up until August 4th. If you would like, use the search above to search for topics. There are four new sub-blogs, but content isn’t yet published on the new blogs, as I’m setting […]

Dow Components

For all the Dow Components, click on this link

April Fools: Technorati, Safari, SRG, and Analytics – all borked

t’s Tuesday, and I’m writing this after a rainy and slightly boring weekend in Taipei. Worse, with the continual seesaws of the temperature here, I’m thinking that I’ve got a cold coming on, so I’m going to take some medicine and go off to bed a little early.

In Recent Posts

In recent posts, Sunday was a little quiet on the blog as I spent the rainy day upgrading to WordPress 2.5 which I’m using now for the first time , and enjoying it. On Saturday we went to the local Carrefour store in Tamsui for some shopping: Are retailers driving you ‘Potty’? and discovered that the store isn’t pricing items properly. For people suffering from less cash these days, I wrote about how a game I played helped educate me a great deal –Cash Low? Play CashFlow 101and learn why. Then I looked at how people in Taiwan used to borrow and lend money: a fascinating insight into how money circulates in societies without formal access to banking. The story is entitled: What’s a ‘hui’? How you can borrow and lend money in China, it also cites some discussions that others have had about ‘huis’. And in Tuesday’s News, I speculated about adopting WordPress 2.5 but now I find that I’m using it and loving it.

Crash Your Safari Browser!

Just discovered how easy it is to crash Safari 3.1, the latest browser from Apple. Mmm. Try this yourself.

Load up the browser. Wait until the homepage loads. Enter the letters in the following sequence: g m a i l (dot) g o o g l e (dot) c o m. Hit enter and …

flaky apple software

And I thought only Microsoft could manage that! I repeated this three times, and it worked each time! Try it! I’m not the first person to discover this, sadly. Enjoy.

On the theme of borked things, I can add at least four more today.

Analytics: 0 visitors!

borked analytics

According to this report in Analytics, I had 0 visitors on this day but somehow they recorded 75 visits. Wonder how that can be. I had noticed this a few days ago, and I have no idea what’s going on.

Technorati: Flaky again

Technorati is better known for its flakiness than either of the other two on today’s list. It completely missed two of my major posts the past five days, and just left me with two quotations… Geez. Are retailers driving you ‘Potty’? and Cash Low? Play CashFlow 101and learn why.

flaky technorati

SRG Archives

I also wanted to update the options in my theme for this plugin. But that is borked too! Look. When you check the options you can hit the ‘update’ button thus:

srg archives bug

But all I get after upgrading to WP2.5 is a blank screen with these words…

r u sure

Well, first, duh! If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t do it now would I? It’s hardly a big change to warrant such a request. And second… where is the answer box? Double-duh!

John Chow causes Browser Crashes

Last, you can visit John Chow’s recent post and find out why you have to crash out of your browser in his April Fool’s Day Prank. Unfortunately, he pissed off quite a number of people who lost their work because they clicked on through. Mmm. Is John’s blog finally going off the rails? Well, judge for yourself.

april fool

Be warned! If you are working on anything important before you visit the site in his URL bar, you MUST close the work and save it. Or vice versa. Guaranteed you will have to crash out of your browser to regain control. This could be a spiteful way to get back at someone! 👿

I’m sure that I can spend another hundred or thousand hours looking for bugs, and finding them. But these really are ones that have been bothering me the last few days! Oh, I didn’t mention ‘hosting’, did I? … Mmm.

Does technology make our life easier or not? Sometimes I wonder. What do you think?