How much advertising can you get for a $100? Well, I’m now about to find out. I’ve set a budget of this amount of money, and I’m looking to spend it in a variety of ways to generate much interest.
There are still a number of things that I haven’t tried yet… Here’s what I tried.
- Blogmad and Blogsoldiers: all very good, but low quality traffic.
- Buzz Contest: Worked well, and it managed to raise my profile on Technorati nicely.
- Kiva Contest: Cost $25, but was a big flop… !
- I added myself to several directories, but with little effect.
- I installed an SEO plugin to reduce the additional Supplemental entries: Worked well.
- I’m building a series of articles that will be turned into PDF books to be given away. (Can you guess what it is?)
- I have got quite a few blog friends that I contact regularly and who comment here.
But I haven’t written any articles for websites like Article City, and I don’t really frequent too many forums, as I prefer time writing the entries.
So I’m now trying to see what $100 can buy me in traffic and exposure. I’ll be looking for good deals, such as reductions, deductions, special offers and so on to maximize this… Step #1 has already been done, but we’ll see what happens… more news soon.