PR Rank: 4
Alexa Rank: 3 month 208K* (1 week: 118K est.)
Technorati Rank: 202K* ( a decent jump!)
Overall Tack Rating:
* updated 3/31/07
For more on my Google Ups and Downs…
For more information, click on SmartPageRank and URL Trends.
ed. Alexa is also pretty volatile +/- 100,000 each time. I think that’s what marketers call the ‘long tail’.
I’ll add more observations, as they come up. I guess part of the drop in the PR5 ranking is that Google actually updated their pages, and finally spidered this site properly.
URLTrends should update their page rank in the next 24 hours. Unfortunately, URLTrends only update their date once a month. Not so frequent.