Yard Sales Tips for New Homeowners

(cc) Jim Chute CC BY-SA 3.0

(cc) Jim Chute CC BY-SA 3.0

I’ll give you some useful yard sales tips! Throwing stuff in the garbage or storing it in an off-site locker is an expensive, and not very earth-friendly, solution. Instead, why not host your very first yard sale!

Buying a house is exciting, but excited new homeowners can quickly become cluttered and overwhelmed as they buy furniture and decor. The limited storage spaces fill up and the family quickly realizes a problem: they do not have as much space as they thought.

Useful Yard Sales Tips for a Successful Event!

You will open up your living spaces by clearing out unnecessary items, make a bit of money in the process, and avoid throwing precious items in the land refill!

So here are some yard sales tips for the key to success for your yard sale is:

1. Advertising Early, Frequently, and Everywhere

While yard and road signs will bring in last minute traffic, it is important to advertise yard sales well to attract buyers who would never have known about the yard sale. Avid yard sale goers will come from miles away in order to sift though unwanted items looking for treasures.

Advertising early allows the family to catch the interest of those who are taking note of upcoming yard sales long before they happen. Advertising in as many places as possible will yield the largest audience. There are thousands of online classifieds and “buy, sell, trade” communities to list yard sales in.

2. Posting Numerous Eye Catching Signs

Plain black and white yard sale signs won’t catch much interest. They might not be seen at all by drivers. Instead, hiring signage companies to design a custom made sign might be the wise option.

Customized, colorful signs will attract much more attention, and the signs can be reused for years to come. These signs also help to direct bargain hunters, so that they don’t get lost along the way.

3. Pictures of Most Yard Sale Items

If one wishes to bring even more traffic to the yard sale, include photos of the higher dollar merchandise in the ads that are posted. The more photos there are, the more potential visitors the yard sale will receive.

Many people are in search of particular pieces of furniture or decor, as well as tools and appliances. If the yard sale includes the things that many of those people need, they are sure to visit; and they might purchase other items as well.

4. Tell Your Neighbors, Friends & Family, too!

Your social circles are the source of your success, too. By telling everyone, you will increase the chances of clearing the items out. So consider telling your neighbors, your friends, colleagues at work, people at church and your extended family.

Encourage people to attend as well by holding an event during the yard sale, such as a raffle or offering a glass of ‘free’ ice tea! On a warm spring day, I can tell you it will always be welcome! There are some good sales tips on hosting a yard sale here, too.

Hosting a successful yard sale all depends upon how well you advertise. Vague sale descriptions do not perform very well, so get your advertising early, get the signs done well, and tell everyone! It’s a win-win for y’all!

Recommended: Make Money Online Round Up from Matthew Woodward

Just wanted to give you a heads up on how other people are making money on the Internet. Matthew Woodward’s Roundup showcases a number of other efforts at this. Why not take the time to read the post, check out what others are doing, and comment on his site! Good luck, Matthew!

One of the most popular posts I publish are my income reports.

So I decided to round up as many income reports as possible and rank them based on earnings to see how I stack up against the rest.

If you publish an income report on your blog and would like it included in next month’s post then please let me know in the comments!

Worth reading, totally. There are a lot of people doing vastly different things on the Internet and making $$$.

Dickson English House: Our New Banner


This is our new banner which we have hung up on the local wall near our school to attract attention. It’s quite colorful. I wish I could say that I designed it all, but I nearly did. With a little help from Microsoft, Istockphotos, and myself, we managed to come up with a design that was fairly attractive.

Of course, I hadn’t realized that Publisher wouldn’t create larger publications, so we had to go the vector graphics route to get the scale! But it turned out quite nicely. The most expensive part of the whole process turned out to be hiring the truck to help put it up as you’ll see in the next photo.

Don’t underestimate the benefits of offline advertising. While we spend similar amounts of money doing online advertising, we find that even where we are in one of the more wired countries on earth, traditional advertising methods do seem to get you noticed faster.
