Making a Newsletter: Tips on Making One for your Business

It’s time to do our new business newsletter. We’ve had quite a few problems with this issue but it’s finally done… I can breathe a little when the new newsletter is done. Summer is coming and this is the best time to promote our business as our target parents are now looking for schools for the summer and afterwards. So the newsletter is a very good promotional tool.

At the moment, we’re pretty limited in the presentation for the actual newsletter: we don’t do color yet. But I’m becoming certain that this is the direction we need to go in: of course, we’ll then need to send out the flyer to be done commercially. OK. This is what it looks like! It was made using MS Publisher 98 … in Windows 98SE, but later versions of Office include this, too.

May 2008 Newsletter

Even in this era of online commerce, creating a short off-line flyer, newsletter or card can be a good way to gain additional attention for your service, store or website. You can use the wizards in Word or Publisher 2008 to get you started with the basic design, write a few short columns, make it informational and of value to the readers.


I created two documents, each A4 in size. Then I named number 1 – pages 1 and 4. Number 2 is pages 2 and 3. I used a simple printer connection to the photocopier in our office and printed 2 pages on each A4 page. It was tricky to get the double-sided effect, and I wasted quite a few sheets in the photocopier. But soon, I was able to double print each A4 page. Folded in the middle, I had a four-page newsletter.

Tracking Results

I create a special link to the online sites (use a redirect if you want to) to track the traffic. If you get really smart, you can create several runs with different URLs to track the effects of different distribution points (in a larger city, this would be a great idea!).

When clients or potential clients are just looking for simple introductory information without too much hype or a sales presentation, this kind of flyer or newsletter can really answer their questions without pressure sales. I usually attach a name card to the newsletter with a personal name on it.

And it works. New clients often pick one up on the way in. Of course, as a community tool, I also distribute it to our existing clients. So there’s an added bonus there, too.

It REALLY works.

Profile: Ron Sim – Chairman of OSIM International Ltd

You can see them everywhere… They look scary… But they are popular and expensive. What are they?

osim charis

Massage Chairs of course. This ad is running on Taiwan’s site advertising a chair for Mother’s Day, though it is quite pricey. Since this video is not available on YouTube, I find the video is a little choppy. You can watch a three-minute interview with the chairman of Osim, Ron Sim who worked his way up from selling noodles on the street to a company with nearly $400 million dollars in annual revenue which sells healthy-lifestyle products all over the world.

“Sim is my surname, and the O is actually the globe.” — Ron Sim

I can’t embed the video, but it’s worth watching.

osim chairman video

For more about the company, read the brief introduction on CNN. And there’s an excellent article on StoneForest that describes his success story, his origins and challenges. His motivation to succeed transcends hunger, failure, hard circumstances, and much more!

Success online and offline – or how to earn an extra $10K!

Welcome, Readers!

If you’ve never visited this blog before, why not come on in! Today’s post is all about the landmark that I just reached!

$10,059 (US$)

But before that you can read about this blog, and some of the great posts here. Or you can try out one of these two great ways to keep up with what’s happening:

Reaching a Milestone!

As it’s just published, I was reading through the numbers again for income for InvestorBlogger and I was surprised to learn that I have already surpassed the $10,000 mark for earnings. While that mightn’t seem like a great deal for others, it is a big deal for me, even though I just squeaked past!

Much of the success of reaching this milestone lies around some ideas that I drew up in January using my own experiences, and a desire to escape from the rat race of working 50 hour weeks! These have included creating, directing and supplementing a variety of income sources to create an average of an extra US$500 per month over the last twenty months. Naturally, this is a gross income, hosting costs, pc costs, and a lot more taxes need to be deducted from this amount!

Do set a goal!

Truth is: I never set a goal or a timeframe to earn that much because when I started out in 2006, there weren’t many make money blogs. I quickly set some goals in this post for the following year. I forgot about this post for a long time, but a quick gander will tell you that I haven’t managed to reach the financial aspect or the time scale. Never mind: I did reach 42% of the amount during that time.

Never give up!

In the past twenty months since I started this, I have had some really lousy months, and some spectacular months. In fact, in January, all my chickens came home to roost and I exceeded by a fraction my monthly target (reaching a little over 104% of the target)! But success isn’t about what happened then, and failure isn’t about what happened in July (when I barely scraped by at about 24%). Success is what happens when you focus on your business and execute (even poorly). Because when you try to execute, you build up usable data on your performance, and you can tweak or revise as you need.

Building Income Takes Time

Another thing that I realized when I was doing this is that the success that I’ve been experiencing over the last few months in this drive to build a profitable set of income streams, that success was founded on what I was doing a long time ago.

When I got married, my wife and I had almost nothing. We spent most of our savings on our wedding, and we had no clear plan about how we were going to buy a house, build a life or anything. In 1995, it seemed that all we did was earn the money, then spend it.

Soon after the wedding, I realized that we were about to repeat the mistakes that my parents and many others had made: that is, living hand to mouth. So I knuckled down and we began to save our money, budget more effectively and learn about running a business.

Taking Action

The worst thing in the world must be failing to take action: when you know something is right and you fail to take action. The next worst is failing to follow through on your initial actions. And the next worst must be failing to learn from your actions and their consequences.

To be an entrepreneur, you have to be willing to take risks. Many times, these risks involve capital (or your cash!), sometimes they involve business decision (such as what products to stock or not to stock), or who to hire.

Recently, I was chatting about starting a business with a friend in the UK, and I recognised the same thinking patterns that I used to have. “Oh, to start in business, you have to have a marketing plan and a business plan, … and this plan… and that plan…”

Yet no amount of plans can replace the fact that you have to take action. Simply planning everything cannot substitute for the lack of taking concrete action. Planning, in many cases, becomes a way to avoid taking any action because you’re still “thinking about it”, “putting things together”, “researching the market”… Whatever. Perhaps you’re hindered by other concerns: a typical one is fear.

Don’t be afraid

For a few years, I was involved with a teaching journal. I remember after the first issue came out, I was all excited. It cost quite a lot to print, but the edition came back looking good! I was thrilled by the book: knowing that something I had conceived, designed and worked on bore fruit. The contributions were excellent and the journal was well received by everyone.

I set up my commerce site, and waited for the orders to flood in. And waited, and waited. I’m still waiting… Turns out that, if there was a market for my journal, I hadn’t found it! So the books are still sitting around waiting to be sold. I’m proud that I was able to pull something together that had a lot of potential; I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with great people on this magazine; and I’m disappointed that I didn’t work hard enough to get sales.

Sometimes though taking a chance will incur negative feedback. In fact, someone wrote to me, when things were bad in both this business and in my offline business: “I don’t think it would be good for your future career” to continue when we faced real problems. Such words of ‘encouragement’ are sometimes hard to bear.

But you have to bear these, and move on. Remember that’s what business is about after all: taking action. You need to make that first step and that second step and that third step and so on.

Develop a thick skin

And that’s what you need… a thick skin but a good pair of ears. Why? Because if you want to be a success, you will get a lot of criticism (both positive and negative) as I have. While many business people really pour their heart into their business, sometimes the criticisms can seem unjustified as the customers or competitors or outsiders don’t appreciate all the extra time and effort you put into your products and services. But, for that you can hardly blame them: they don’t know. A thick skin and a broad smile are therefore two of your best weapons!

You’ll also need a great pair of ears: ears to hear and sift through the criticisms for things that you will get in order to find the gems that can help turn your business into a crown jewel.

I haven’t so far ‘discovered’ my other qualities that I have needed over the years, I doubtless will add them in future posts.

How do you entrepreneurs deal with constructive (and otherwise…) criticism? What do you do with the things customers tell you?