BuzzFEST#7: Mummified Times Five

After taking something of a little break since I ‘re’discovered the future posting function, I’m now back on the blog, and posting the next in my series of 30 Blogbuzzes, “Mummified Times Five “! As a busy mother of five (hence the title of her blog!), I’m surprised Tina finds the time to blog at all, given her large family and numerous other hobbies!


The blog covers a wide range of topics, perhaps too wide a range, including core topics such as ‘blog stuff’, ‘children’, ‘family’, ‘just me’ and one or two others. I would suggest that you consolidate some of the categories with just one or two posts. When your categories have more than half a dozen posts, then you can break out the posts into individual categories. Overall, I noted 10 primary categories with that number of posts or more! Currently you have 33 categories!

I found some good posts here, especially the first one which echoed my own experience as I just passed the first year mark. It seems that we’re both getting into our swing now. I guess if you want to succeed, you have to have diligence and application, as well as a vision of what you want to achieve. Clearly, Tina is thinking about these kinds of things, too. Good on you.

One suggestion, though. Perhaps it’s not a good idea to put your PPP Direct button on the top of your sidebar. Create a separate ‘advertise’ page for such information or move important content to that position. It seems that you could use that space to create a much better impression for your readers. BTW, did you ever get any business through the PPP Direct button? I never did, so I removed it.

Looking forward to reading some of your other posts as I discover them!

If you’d like a blogbuzz, a la Mummified Times Five, then hop on over to buzz your BlogFest , read the instructions, and sign up today. There are only 22 buzzes to go, and 8 days! So hurry! I wonder if we can make 22 buzzes in 8 days! … Let’s try.

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