These days, everyone has a website, and so do lawyers. Demerath Law, which specializes as a Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney, is the website of one such law firm which focuses on accidents, including workplace and recreation accidents. The principal lawyer at the firm is Larry Demerath himself.
It’s actually a very nicely designed website with lots of links at the top, right and bottom making navigation easy wherever you are. The overall feel of the website is a little dark, with the overtones of gray and black making it seem perhaps a little depressing. There are useful FAQs, news and resource links as well as helpful forms (you can see a mini-form in the image) and a larger form under “Get a Lawyer”. Both of these forms should elicit a lot of submissions. The presence of a phone number is also reassuring.
The lack of an email address, though, is an oversight as many people would just like to click and open their email. They may even wish to add attachments, such as PDFs in their initial brief. Another surprising omission is a Privacy Policy at the bottom. On such a sensitive website as this, this really needs remedied as quickly as possible. A search of the site map produced nothing on this at all. Perhaps the client-attorney privilege is obvious, but sometimes the obvious needs stating!
Overall, this website is responsive, thoughtfully designed, and attractively laid out. It should really complement the company well, and attract a lot of interest from clients, potential clients, and others seeking to do business with them.