Fixed Rate Home Loans Provide Certainty: Newcastle Permanent Building Society Says

If there is one thing that home buyers could use more of, it’s certainty. The financial world is notoriously unsure. Investing money in a business can be a boom or bust proposition. Trying to flip real estate might work well or lead to disaster. Almost everything comes with risk.

Should buying a home be risky?

Home buying shouldn’t be this kind of experience, though. Most people today are buying homes because they think purchasing that home will lead to more financial security. In many respects, they are right, especially if these people are able to purchase a home with a fixed rate loan.

Today’s home buyers are looking to visit NPBS for fixed rate home loans. Lenders like this give home buyers the certainty to know precisely what they are going to owe over the course of the loan. Monthly payments will be certain, giving these individuals the ability to budget their lives moving forward.

For a young person who might want to get started with a real financial future, this kind of certainty is priceless. It only comes for those individuals when they make the smart choice to go with a fixed rate, and leaves them with room to grow their careers and families without additional stress.

Variable vs. Fixed: Cost vs. Security

Some argue that it’s best to go with a variable rate loan. They argue specifically that variable rate loans allow people to take advantage of lower future payments. If you have full confidence that rates are going to go down in the future, then perhaps this approach makes sense.

The problem is that it is very difficult to know what interest rates are going to do in the future. Interest rates on homes are a function of many different factors, most of which are not in your control. While you might think it’s a good idea to take a chance in this regard, many young home buyers come to understand that taking these sorts of risks is not wise.

Fixed Rate Mortgages 1: Variable Rate Loans 0

Home buying should be a secure process that helps the prospective home buyer sink some of his money into a stable asset. This is the purpose of the mortgage, and it’s long served home buyers well. With fixed rate mortgages, this becomes much easier.

Buying a home is a major decision that one should only undertake after looking at many relevant factors. While there may be some people who decide that the risk of a variable rate loan makes sense, most find that fixed rate loans are easily the better choice, esp. if interest rates start to rise.

And remember, not even Janet Yellen can tell you what interest rates will be next year or how much they will rise in 5 years!

Can the CashFlow 101 game teach you about your finances? Perhaps…

Is anyone here a fan of CashFlow 101 game? Did you ever play the game before? I’ve been a keen player of the game for some time now. I’ve even introduced to some of my students over the years, even the younger ones enjoyed playing the game.

What is CashFlow 101?

Cashflow 101 is an educational board game designed by Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad).

The aim of the CashFlow 101 game is to teach the players about investing and making their money work for them. The game provides a setting that is challenging yet informal while helping players some basic lessions in financial literacy. In playing the games, players find it easier to learn and use the basic principles of personal financial management.

Interview with the CashFlow 101 Game Designer

The CashFlow 101 game board is divided into two stages. The first is “the rat race” in which the player is given a basic bank account, spending habits, personal and mortgage debt and a salary. As the game starts, each roll of the dice determines what opportunities you have or what expenses you must make.

There are four sets of cards that determine different the assets and liabilities that you must take on. And each expense or income has to be adjusted. Players go around the rat race trying to accumulate the amount of money that will allow them to enter the fast track.

The promotion criteria is quite simple: that passive income generated in the game must exceed the expenses of the player. Given the different jobs, salaries and financial pictures, this can be quite a challenge!

Personal Comments

Cashflow 101 is actually one great board game. While I won’t go into the rules, as other websites cover this well, I will say that is quite an educational game. I’ve found it quite instructional in a number of ways:

  1. it can model our behavior patterns in a number of ways, esp. our spending patterns, our consumption patterns, our lack of savings as a financially less than capable society, etc
  2. it can model changes in behavior as people try out different strategies, occupations, savings rates, etc.
  3. it can show the longer term consequences of our actions by very quickly showing the results of our dependence on particular aspects of our financial management.
  4. it can show people how to monitor and record aspects of their financial situation, their balance sheet, etc.
  5. it is actually a lot more challenging to play than monopoly.
  6. and, as if you needed another one, it is actually fun to play, we can share our own ideas about money management and financial planning, because, oddly , as our societies consume, it seems there is less and less discussion of the positive aspects of financial management amongst people, and muce more talk about consumption.

You can watch this YouTube video that shows a CashFlow 101 game being played (in Russian, I think) but the game is English and it shows you what the game looks like, and give you a sense of how it is played.

Suggestions, Notes and Improvements

There are some flaws in the CashFlow 101 game that need some working on:

  1. you can ‘learn’ how to win the game, because you know which cards are likely to come up if you play this game more than a few times, there are fewer risks for those who gamble by borrowing money;
  2. stocks are grossly overly simplified, as are houses. You can generally do well investing in stocks, if you know what cards are likely to come up. Again, being more familiar with the cards can help you analyze which cards, so when you hear the offers, you buy them;
  3. there needs to be more challenge to the game for those who played more than a couple of times – so I’d suggest creating a book of separate missions that you can use to play your part in extending the games playability, perhaps increasing the difficulty of individual player’s positions by recreating real-life scenarios;
  4. and, the fast track is spectacularly dull to play, there is little complexity or variety. I think the Rat Race is far more interesting to play.

Financial Education: Commonsense at a price!

Overall, though, it is an expensive game for people to play at nearly $220. If you are interested in playing, perhaps head on over to the Rat Race Players’ (defunct) website for clubs near you. It’s worth a rainy or cool rainy Sunday afternoon!

[For those seeking more of a challenge, you can play CashFlow 202 which is an additional set of cards for the basic game board.]

Have you ever played? What did you think about the CashFlow 101 game? Did you enjoy it? Why?

Check your mortgage rates: a handy calculator

Needing a little help calculating your mortgage payments? Try this calculator. It may not be 100% accurate because of all the possible variations, charges, etc.., but with declining mortgage rates over the past few months, it will help you to do back-of-the-napkin type calculations to check your mortgage isn’t being grossly overcharged.

I noticed in my own bank statements how quickly the local bank was to raise rates in the past two years, but I am still waiting for a commensurate fall in the rates. I could very well be using this when I go to the bank to update the passbook.

Calculator is provided by Mortgage Calculator.

This article is guest written by Adam Hefner, and examines the different kinds of mortgage rates you may end up paying. I hope you find this useful.

How to calculate a mortgage payment is one of your most important decisions when purchasing a home. Rather than be a mathematician, you will just need to learn a little bit about the process and what it is all about. You will have many choices when it comes to figuring out what your payment will be. Key to the process is what your credit is and what you will want to borrow.

What kind of mortgage do you want? Whether you choose an adjusted rate mortgage (ARM), a fixed, or a balloon type payment will depend mainly on how much money you make and what your credit score is. These variations will cost you dearly if you are not well informed about their differences!

If you get a balloon mortgage you will have to pay it off or refinance it every 5 or 7 years generally. Interest rates can change daily and so will your ARM. Your rates could start as low as 5% and go up passed 8% in a short period. The rates don’t stop there either; they could go very high, with no cap. Don’t make the mistake of comparing a low ARM rate to a higher fixed rate, the fixed rate won’t change but the ARM will. With a fixed rate of 7% what you start with is what you will end your mortgage rate with.

Do you have a large or small income? When a loan agent reviews your loan they will look at you using between one fourth and less than one half of what you make monthly or yearly. The best bet is not to spend more than a third of the money you make each month on your house payment. Basically you can look at it like this, if you are bringing home $1200.00, you will want your house payment around $400.

Are you aware of your credit score? The four basic categories for credit scoring are poor, fair, good and excellent. If you have good or excellent credit, the interest rate that you are offered is usually going to be lower. If your credit is in the low ranges, you can expect to see higher interest rates. Most mortgage loans are based on simple interest.

One type of simple interest loan, the amount of interest is added each day. If your payment on the first day is $360, the next day would be $370 and so on. Each day your interest is added until you pay for that month. When you have made your payment, your principle will go down (the base loan amount), and interest will be added to that smaller amount. So you will be saving money each time you do this by paying less interest.

Mainstream mortgages are usually calculated as monthly simple interest. Regardless of what day you pay your mortgage it will not change what you owe because the interest is charged monthly, as long as you pay on time. When using a mortgage calculator it is important to know which type of interest you are going to go with, daily or monthly.

When you decide on how to calculate a mortgage payment, make sure you are familiar with all of the terms associated with your loan. You will have a choice of simple or advanced models. You will get a bigger financial picture when you use the more advanced mortgage calculators.

Save time and learn the best way to calculate a mortgage payment from your own home. For more, visit where you’ll find this and plenty more on your mortgage loan needs.

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