Charity: The Giving Hands website and blog

giving is a website created by a fellow blogger called Pelf. I promised I would do a quick buzz for this website, since it’s in aid of charity.

I enjoy supporting as you all know. But I’d appreciate it if you would check out TheGivingHands.

A quick look at the charity category will provide you with an overview of the nature of the website!

In her own words, “The Giving Hands is supposed to be an extension of my charity and conservation work online, which revolves around creating and spreading awareness on matters pertaining to well, charity, conservation and volunteerism. What started as a normal post grew into a category by itself in my personal blog, and now a website by its own!”

So, please take the time to visit TheGivingHands or read the feed via your feed reader, and find out about the good charity work she’s doing!

Good luck, Pelf on both your blogs!

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