Ever thought about getting an MBA? Too busy? Too much travel? Too costly? Well, if you think that, perhaps your cost benefit analysis is skewed. Getting an mba online really can open doors for InvestorBloggers like us.
Capella University offers great solutions for InvestorBloggers like us with their programs in Business and IT at graduate level. For those without a first degree, there are programs in business and IT that allow you to graduate with a bachelor’s degree! Now that’s cool.
Now you might be wondering why that is useful. Given the sheer number of options that you can pursue at both levels, you would be sure to find the mix and match of courses that cater to your own situation as an InvestorBlogger. For example, you might choose IT courses, finance, marketing, etc. to build up your skills in these areas as you seek to devote your time to InvestorBlogging.
Overall, education is a great thing. We can never know too much, and with Capella it could be a great way to open new doors, I think.